I received an email today. You must apply for graduation if you are on track to complete your diploma/degree requirements by May 2024. Just follow the steps in the email and press send.
The Student Success office will verify your eligibility by auditing your completed classes and the ones you are registered for this semester. They will double-check that all boxes are checked with the correct courses and hours/credits required for your degree requirements.
This was an exciting email today. I thought of the future Graphic Designers I had been attending school with. Also, I want them to remember that this marks the peak of their academic journey at Southeast Tech and the completion of a significant milestone. This is a time to celebrate all your accomplishments, and I look forward to the opportunities ahead. We all have different yet similar goals ahead. Some students will enter the workforce, and some will continue with higher education. No matter what you choose to do, cheers to your accomplishments and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Each of us completed a great program and a lot of hard work.
You did it, and so did I.
I am sharing this email to congratulate the Class of 2024.

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