Today in class, we learned some new “how-to’s” for
When designing for print in Illustrator, we learned about trapping, mixing colors, mis registration, and unintentional third color. It was an excellent lesson taught by Tony. Below, I included Tony’s instructions on how to do each
Designing for print in Illustrator:
Window > Attributes > Overprint Fill (check box option)
View > Overview Preview (toggle between off & on):
Add a stroke to your object, then convert the stroke into a path:
Object>path>Outline Stroke. Fill the outlined stroke with a mix of the two colors needed for trapping. Use the Pathfinder to subtract from the shape of your stroke.
Mixing colors:
Select a color for the stroke that is a mixture of the two initial colors.
Below, for a cyan letter on top or a Magenta background, we use a stroke
that is made of 40% C & 100% M- notice we use more of the darker valued ink.
Mis registration:
Through the printing process, paper can shift from one color unit to the next. Without proper or any trapping, image shifting or mis registration will result.
Unintentional Third Color:
Sometimes, the resulting color from the overprinting of two other colors is a desired effect, as two inks overlap to create a third color. Trapping would prevent the appearance of a third color.